Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct
Cash is King in the UK Construction Industry
The coronation of the King has long since passed and all celebrations are complete but in these straightened times cash is still the undisputed king in the UK construction industry....Read more

Anthony Philpott
Barrister, Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct , UK
He Who Pays The Piper – The Independence of Experts in UK Construction Disputes and Civil Procedure Rule 35

After a criminal fraud trial over carbon credits collapsed and was abandoned in 2019, because an expert witness had no expertise and no qualifications, the Law Society Gazette announced on...Read more

Anthony Philpott
Barrister, Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct , UK
Staying the Court Enforcement of a UK Construction Adjudication on the Grounds of Fraud, Where There are Company Voluntary Arrangements or Where There is Insolvency
The introduction of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the form of Adjudication to resolve construction disputes in the United Kingdom was meant to allow for unpaid building contractors and sub-contractors to...Read more

Anthony Philpott
Barrister, Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct , UK
The Consequences of Part 36 Offers in Civil Litigation
A major tactic to be employed by either party in settlement of civil litigation is the use of what is known as the Part 36 offer. This is a means...Read more

Anthony Philpott
Barrister, Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct , UK
The Operation of Adjudication and Litigation in Construction Disputes in the UK
This article observes the recent operation of Alternative Dispute Resolution, in the form of Adjudication, and Litigation in the civil courts in deciding construction disputes in the UK, including:
(i) recent cases...Read more

Anthony Philpott
Barrister, Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct , UK
Alternative Dispute Resolution - The Preferred Option In The UK Construction Industry
Alternative Dispute Resolution in its various forms is the preferred option for resolving disputes in the UK Construction Industry and Adjudication in particular brings a swift outcome to the parties....Read more

Anthony Philpott
Barrister, Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct , UK
The independence of the in house lawyer - a warning from history
I recall that my strict adherence to Solicitors Code of Conduct by describing my employers as “my client” , in the conduct of written correspondence on behalf of my employers,...Read more

Anthony Philpott
Barrister, Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct , UK