Expert Witnesses at a Conference with Counsel: A Pracitical Guide
This guide is intended to help expert witnesses understand the purpose of a conference with counsel. If you are a lawyer, you can cut out and keep this article to...Read more

Mark Solon
Managing Director & Solicitor, Wilmington, UK
He Who Pays The Piper – The Independence of Experts in UK Construction Disputes and Civil Procedure Rule 35

After a criminal fraud trial over carbon credits collapsed and was abandoned in 2019, because an expert witness had no expertise and no qualifications, the Law Society Gazette announced on...Read more

Anthony Philpott
Barrister, Barrister (Direct Public Access and Authorised Litigator) UK - AP Legal Direct , UK
The Times Bond Solon Expert Witness Survey 2019
The Times and Bond Solon Annual Expert Witness Survey 2019* was conducted online from 13th September 2019 to 30th September 2019. 569 experts completed the survey making it one of...Read more

Mark Solon
Managing Director & Solicitor, Wilmington, UK
Numbing the Expert Pinch: Avoiding Expert Disqualification in Construction Litigation
This is the era of the expert. Modern construction litigation is a morass of Critical Path Method schedules and other intricate details that all but cry out for expert testimony....Read more

Steve Butler
In-house Counsel, Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc, USA