Croatian Competition Agency
The Certain Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in Pharmaceutical Industries Relating the Antitrust and IPR Rules of the EU acquis communautaire
The prescription of the Article 152 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (furthermore: TFEU), provides special provisions that establish the importance of the public health....Read more
Mirna Pavletic-Zupic
Member, Croatian Competition Council, Croatian Competition Agency, Croatia
The New Law on Competition in Croatia (2009)
The new Law on Competition in Croatia (furthermore: Competition Act; CA) was enacted in 2009, replacing the Competition Act from 2003. The new Competition Act shall enter into force on...Read more
Mirna Pavletic-Zupic
Member, Croatian Competition Council, Croatian Competition Agency, Croatia
The New Croatian Competition Act (2003) as an Instrument for Achieving Greater Economic Development through the Liberalization of the Market Access
The Competition Act in the Republic of Croatia has been in force since 1995. It was reviewed in 1997 and 1998. In 2003 there was another review of the Competition...Read more
Mirna Pavletic-Zupic
Member, Croatian Competition Council, Croatian Competition Agency, Croatia