IACCM - International Association for Contract and Commercial Management
IACCM Contracting Principles
Whether you are a customer or a supplier, Speed to Contract (“S2C”) produces benefits. The faster parties come to “yes,” the sooner critical products or services can drive a customer’s...Read more

Sally Hughes
Chief Executive Officer, IACCM - International Association for Contract and Commercial Management, UK
Lawyers as Negotiators: Hitting the Wrong Targets?
The annual IACCM study of the most frequently negotiated terms in business-to-business contracts once again reveals a strong focus on the provisions that deal with risk allocation and the consequences...Read more

Sally Hughes
Chief Executive Officer, IACCM - International Association for Contract and Commercial Management, UK
Failed Contract Relationships: Are the Lawyers to Blame?
Each year, IACCM conducts a study of the most frequently negotiated terms and conditions. And each year, the top places are dominated by the terms that allocate risk or imply...Read more

Sally Hughes
Chief Executive Officer, IACCM - International Association for Contract and Commercial Management, UK
International Contracting: Best Practices in Structure and Legal Review
Globalisation creates mixed emotions for the in-house counsel. While voyages of discovery - real or metaphorical - can be exciting, international business brings with it greater complexity and risk. This...Read more

Sally Hughes
Chief Executive Officer, IACCM - International Association for Contract and Commercial Management, UK