Maintaining Momentum and Managing Risk: Ensuring Business Continuity with your Dispute Resolution Toolbox
In the contemporary business world, disputes are a common and sometimes inevitable reality, ranging from minor distractions to major obstacles. Each dispute has the potential to disrupt the smooth operation...Read more

Vera HE
Deputy Director, Arbitration and ADR, North Asia, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, China
Diversified False Statements Dispute Resolution Under Chinese Securities Law
In 2019, the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") amended its Securities Law and adopted the normal representative and special representative action mechanism in the multi-party securities fraud case. For...Read more
Guangdong Cheng
General Counsel, Nanshan Group, China
The Era of Compliance in China
Corporate Compliance has attracted more attention than ever before in China. Driven by the government, initiated by central enterprises , more and more civilian companies, practitioners, and researchers are ...Read more
Guangdong Cheng
General Counsel, Nanshan Group, China
New Frontier for Foreign Asset Management Companies in China
This article aims to bring high-level knowledge about Chinese regulatory regime over foreign-owned asset management companies, as reflected by the real-time development in the financial market, and will provide in-depth...Read more

Bing Xue
Partner & General Counsel, Infinity Equity Group, China
Wärtsilä Legal Hackathon: Case Study 
Global in-house legal counsel team embracing innovation and digitalisation. Someone might think that Legal would not be among the first organisations to embrace innovation and digitalisation but luckily in the...Read more
Nathalia Meyer
Regional Legal Counsel, Wärtsilä Corporation, China
Abuse of Veto Rights in Chinese Venture Capital Investment
China is the most vigorous wonderland for experimental endeavour, particularly in the area of innovation for high tech (hard core) and business mode (soft core). Among this innovative surge, OFO...Read more

Bing Xue
Partner & General Counsel, Infinity Equity Group, China
Tears and Cheers - Preliminary Legal Analysis on Patient Groups in China
Patient groups, also known as patient organizations, are non-profit organizations which focus on the interests of majority patients with a particular disease or condition. The roles and activities of patient...Read more

Xiangjun Kong
Head of Strategic Partnership (Previously Head of Legal), Sanofi China, China
Managing Legal & Compliance Department in a Medium-Sized Company
Whether a company is a middle-sized company is comparable and judgmental based on its business scale and number of employees in a country and in an industry. Usually a combined...Read more
Chloe Liu
General Counsel-Region Great China, Bsh, China
Set-off in the Context of Receivable Financing
The English law on set-off bears particular importance to modern commercial and financial transactions. Unlike the lender-borrower structure in conventional loans, the implications of set-off are more complicated in the...Read more
Pamelyn Lee
Vice President, Global Corporate & Sales Financing, Huawei Technologies, China
From Retail to Real Estate-A New Trend in China and its Upcoming Challenge for Legal Departments
Recent years have seen a rapid expansion of investment in China by foreign retail giants. Contrary to the worldwide economic crisis, the Chinese market has become a hot destination for...Read more
Michael Qu
Legal Counsel, Metro AG, China