The Interpretation of EU States National Legislation Through the Lens of EU Directives
If, in the initial legislative stages of the European Coal and Steel Community the decisions addressed directly to the enterprises that activated in this field were the most used instruments,...Read more

Dan Degan
Lawyer Romania and Adriatic Region, Viatris, Romania
The Rights of Non-citizens
All people should, by virtue of their essential humanity, enjoy all human rights. Exceptional distinctions, for example between citizens and non-citizens, can be made only if they serve a legitimate...Read more

Laura Rudnyanszky
CLO, Teleperformance Romania, Romania
Dealing with Legal Grey Areas (and Selective Enforcement) in China
China’s laws are increasingly well-developed and in many areas comparable to those of Western countries. But in practice, there remain large gaps between what the laws say and how they...Read more
Aurelia Dragomirescu
Director, Legal, Vodafone, Romania
Collaterals Generally Used and Accepted Under Romanian Law
Romanian banks usually grant loans to individuals as well as to companies that need funding for their business. Such loans need to be secured in order to protect the Bank’s...Read more
Carmen Banateanu
Senior Associate, Radulescu & Musoi SPARL, Romania
Legal Risk Management - Anticipating and Pre-Empting Legal Problems
Legal service provided by in-house lawyers evolved over the last period from pure advisory and consultancy type of business into legal risk management. Business is considering in-house lawyer as their...Read more
Aurelia Dragomirescu
Director, Legal, Vodafone, Romania
Dispute Resolution in Romania - Before and After Accession to the European Union
Romania, like most of the European countries, is a civil law jurisdiction. The main sources of Romanian law are the Constitution, the Acts of the Parliament, international treaties having direct...Read more
Andreea Chirita
Legal Counsel, Ministry of Economy and Finances – Central Financial and Contracting Unit, Romania