A Brief Study on References and Requirements that Search Ethical Precepts in Human Interaction with Artificial Intelligence
Society is going through a moment of greater intensification of human interaction with systems that use artificial intelligence, systems that have brought countless benefits and facilities for the development and improvement of tasks not previously imaginable, for the high capacity of repetition and resolution of highly complex tasks, impossible if they had only the human profile involved. Although valid and even natural recognition due to the impact perceived until today, we are surrounded by countless possibilities of irresponsible development of this technology, which brings to the fore the need for debate on ethical precepts applicable to it, avoiding damage to privacy, cases of abuse of market power, discrimination, censorship, and even data manipulation which can often occur through autonomous interactions. In this work, references and requirements were studied that considered ethical precepts in human interaction with artificial intelligence and their applicability in order to create a legal and principled framework of what we currently have as valid and possible in the search for human preservation as an autonomous entity endowed with rights that cannot be threatened by any type of technology.