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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Legal Profession in an Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence


This article can be read on its own. If you would like a more holistic perspective, you may wish to consider reading also Chapter 4 Legal Profession in an Age of Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Technology of my book Future of Work in an Age of Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Technology. My article is divided into 5 sections : introduction in Section 1; overview of generative artificial intelligence (“GAI” or “Generative AI”) in Section 2; challenges posed by the use of Chat Generative Pre-training Transformer (“ChatGPT”) in legal services in Section 3; my suggested guardrails on the use of ChatGPT in legal services in Section 4 with my concluding remarks in Section 5.

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Portrait image of James Lau
James Lau
, , Singapore

James Lau Chief Legal Officer with 30 years both contentious and non-contentious international cross-border transactional and dispute-resolution experience acquired through a combination of private practice at industry-leading law firms and in-house roles at Fortune 500 Multinational Corporations.


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