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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Eight Customers You Don't Want and How Four of Them Can be Reformed: Qualifying the Sale from an In-House Counsel's Perspective

August 2014
Sales LawIT


With quarterly targets, annual goals, sales incentives, and aggressive sales management, how could you suggest that your client assess the viability of a transaction or even reject the pending sale after the sales team spent weeks, months, or maybe even years cultivating the prospective customer? A typical in-house legal department struggles to be viewed as a helpful part of the sales process and acting as the deal executioner, instead of the sales enabler, appears not to help their reputation. But what if that customer had a poor credit history, tied up your client’s customer service team, put other projects at risk, or otherwise disproportionately consumed the company’s resources or hurt their brand? Would taking a second look at a deal still feel as distasteful?

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Portrait image of Todd Krieger
Todd Krieger
Director of International Transactions and Senior Counsel, InterSystems Corporation, USA

Todd Krieger is Director of International Transactions and Senior Counsel at InterSystems Corporation in Cambridge, MA, USA, working primarily on software related agreements in healthcare, financial services, and other fields with government and private entities worldwide. He is a graduate of Lesley University School of Management in Cambridge, and Suffolk University Law School in Boston, Massachusetts.


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InterSystems Corporation

InterSystems Corporation: Established in 1978, InterSystems is the leading provider of data technology for extremely critical data in the healthcare, finance, and logistics sectors. Its cloud-first data platforms solve interoperability, speed, and scalability problems for large organizations around the globe. InterSystems also develops and supports unique managed services for hospital EMRs, unified care records for communities and nations, and laboratory information management systems. Privately held and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, InterSystems has 25 offices worldwide.

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