The Lords of the Ringtones: will one king rule the technology standards of the future?
In early 2006, I was pulled into a battle, which became but one in a whole series of battles that have since become referred to as the “Smartphone Wars” –...Read more

Adrian Howes
Head of IP and Standards, IP Policy and Advocacy, Nokia Corporation, UK
Legal In-house Digitization/Financial Services 
Many factors are changing legal services as we know them. We are seeing the internal and external environment changing the banking model and business needs. Increased regulatory requirements, the evolving...Read more

Andreas Weber
Head Cross-border Legal, Emerging Markets and Change-the Bank, UBS, Ubs , Switzerland
Legal Aspects of Immersive Technologies

Immersive technologies, including virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality are increasingly deployed within industrial applications. Despite the added value they offer, there are still numerous legal and practical considerations...Read more
Jana Pattynova
Partner, Pierstone, Czech Republic

Jirí Cerný
Legal Director, Czech Republic and Slovakia, Microsoft, Czech Republic
Olga Slipetska
IT Lawyer, Pierstone, Czech Republic
The Legal Tech-Train is rolling - better get on board!
When discussing the future of the legal services profession today, it is practically impossible not to talk about “Legal-Tech”. Entire conferences, so-called “Hackathons”, are dedicated to it , Legal-Tech start-ups...Read more

Dirk Naumann
Executive Vice President of Legal, Regulatory, and Compliance, and Chief Legal Officer , Orange Business, International
Overview of the Technology Transfer provisions in Egypt
Egypt was one of the first countries in the Middle East to pay attention to the evolving issue of Technology Transfer ('TT'), and it was the subject of several debates...Read more
Karim El Helaly
National and senior legal consultant, Pwc, Egypt