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Technical Data Rights in the Context of the Marine Industry 

This article focuses on the main legal aspects of technical data rights in the context of the marine industry. The article will overview how the increased volume of data and...Read more
Tuomas Keltto
Specialist Legal Counsel, Tech Law, Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Finland
Tom Barr
Managing Counsel, Tech Law, Wärtsilä Voyage UK, UK
Lawyer Leaders, Kindness & Mental Health
As our world emerges from the global COVID-19 pandemic that has transformed (and in some cases ravaged) the lives of many at every level, many leaders and those they lead...Read more

Jeffery Tan
Group General Counsel & Chief Sustainability Officer , Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited, Singapore
Diversified False Statements Dispute Resolution Under Chinese Securities Law
In 2019, the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") amended its Securities Law and adopted the normal representative and special representative action mechanism in the multi-party securities fraud case. For...Read more
Guangdong Cheng
General Counsel, Nanshan Group, China
The Era of Compliance in China
Corporate Compliance has attracted more attention than ever before in China. Driven by the government, initiated by central enterprises , more and more civilian companies, practitioners, and researchers are ...Read more
Guangdong Cheng
General Counsel, Nanshan Group, China
AI in the Making: is EU Artificial Intelligence regulatory framework a good move for European manufacturing?
On April 21st 2021, EU institutions have launched a massive initiative aiming at regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems through a series of coordinated legislative actions. Among those actions, the proposals...Read more

Corrado Druetta
Senior Legal Counsel , COMAU S.p.A., Italy
Competition Law, Policy & Regulation – Digital Age
Digitisation has led to emergence of new possibilities, new opportunities and new business models. Digital landscape has transformed and personalised the way we communicate socialise, work, shop, trade, travel, invest,...Read more

Vijayalakshmi Natarajan
Senior Director, Legal -India & Asia Pacific, Harman I(Samsung) , India
How to Save a Deal: Trends in Negotiating M&A Deal Financials in a World Ever More Full of Uncertainty

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, M&A transactions have been adversely impacted. More generally, over the last two decades, global economic stability has been slowly eroding, with increased acts...Read more

Camelia Gardot
Compliance Partner- Head of Connected Intelligence, Airbus, France

Christopher Pierson
Senior Legal Counsel, Airbus, France
Building a Global Brand Protection Program from Inside a Small Company

It was his first time at the Canton Trade Show and Tim Demarais, Vice President of ABRO Industries, Inc., was shocked. He had just turned a corner in the cavernous...Read more

William Mansfield
Director of Intellectual Property, ABRO Industries Inc, USA
Information Privacy and Data Protection in the Insurance Sector

This article seeks to propose some answers to such challenging questions, assisting insurance companies to comply with the LGPD in a manner that they protect the insured information privacy and,...Read more

Mauricio Carmona
Advogado Lawyer, American International Group, Inc., Brazil
The Impact of Organizational Culture in M&A Deal
In the past of 5 years we have seen an increasing in volume of M&A deals worldwide. Last year the total deals were above $3 trillion in annual mergers and...Read more

Claudia Marufuji
Legal Director, Flextronics International Tecnologia , Brazil