Actionable Insights for Organizations and Compliance Officers Amid AI Evolving Challenges and the Impending EU AI Act
“It is not enough to change the world. That is all we have ever done. That happens even without us. We also have to interpret this change”
In the prophetic echoes...Read more

Camelia Gardot
Compliance Partner- Head of Connected Intelligence, Airbus, France
Compliance Risk Based Approach: Mission Impossible?

We are living in times where growth at all costs tends to be outdated. Companies have started shifting their strategies from fueling short term profits at unsustainable levels to building...Read more

Camelia Gardot
Compliance Partner- Head of Connected Intelligence, Airbus, France

Isabelle Rust
Head of Third Party Compliance Management , Airbus Defence and Space, Germany
2022: A Transformative year for Compliance
What 2022 holds in store in terms of regulatory and risk evolutions and how companies and Compliance professionals should prepare to handle it? In other words, “Would there be trees...Read more

Camelia Gardot
Compliance Partner- Head of Connected Intelligence, Airbus, France
Compliance Risk Management: A Game-changing Strategy in Mergers & Acquisitions

In a context where companies are facing increasingly complex regulatory requirements, more stringent legal enforcement restrictions and NGO activism (including ethical and environmental), the compliance part of the M&A due...Read more

Camelia Gardot
Compliance Partner- Head of Connected Intelligence, Airbus, France

Isabelle Rust
Head of Third Party Compliance Management , Airbus Defence and Space, Germany
The Cloven Business: Legal Complexities of Carve-outs in a
Business Divestment Context

Many companies decide to divest full business divisions or units, spanning a whole range of economic activities, as part of their strategic portfolio review.
The motivation is not always the low...Read more

Camelia Gardot
Compliance Partner- Head of Connected Intelligence, Airbus, France
EU Data Protection Regulation: A Concise Primer for In-House Counsels on Key Changes in the Regulatory Regime

After years of discussions, wrangling, lobbying and politicking, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“EU GDPR”) was finalized in the spring of 2016 by EU institutions, which means that it...Read more

Shahab Ahmed
Managing Counsel, Lead Privacy Counsel, Etihad Airways and Etihad Aviation Group, UAE
Who Owns the Data on Your Airline Ticket?
You just made arrangements to the destination of your dreams. On your airline ticket there are some fifty or so pieces of information, most about you, including your name,...Read more

Eric Schlam
Director, Law Department, Assistant General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, Airlines Reporting Corporation, USA
Letter on the European Commission's Legislative Package on Interchange Fees in Credit Card payments [COM(2013) 550-2013/0265 (COD)]
In July 2013 the European Commission published its Legislative Package with proposals on a revised Payment Services Directive (PSD II) and on a Regulation on interchange fees for card-based payment...Read more
Roland Paschek
Head of Legal, Lufthansa AirPlus Servicekarten GmbH, Germany
In-house v. Outside Counsel: Best of both worlds
Gone are the days when in-house counsels send out all relevant cases to just one outside counsel, with whom it had a good and solid relationship built over years and...Read more
Lisette Leuftink
Corporate Legal Counsel, Transavia Airlines C.V., Netherlands
International Litigation and Forum non conveniens: Strategies and lessons from the aviation context
International litigation is now a fact of life for most corporations. They may find themselves hauled into court in unexpected places and, perhaps more often than anywhere but their home...Read more

Karl Hennessee
Vice-President, Public Law & Technology, Halliburton, USA