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A Walk Down the Indian Labour Codes

A guide to the new Labour Codes in India, including an analysis of the noteworthy changes, their impact upon India Inc. and the steps to be taken by employers in...Read more

Kapil Gaur
Employment Lawyer- India Lead NatWest India , NatWest, India

Preetha Soman
Partner, J Sagar Associates, India
Musings on Pay Transparency – What do Practitioners See Happening?

New York State is poised to implement the Pay Transparency Act (the “Act”), a law aimed at “address[ing] systemic pay inequity and discrimination through increased pay transparency by requiring employers...Read more
Maxwell Popkin
Law Clerk, The Boyd Law Group, USA

Valerie Phillips
Associate Partner and Head of Americas Legal Practice, Danos Group, USA

Patrick Boyd
Founding Partner, The Boyd Law Group, USA
How to separate the right way: The Jamaican Perspective

For employers and prospective employers, having a clear understanding of the employment law landscape in Jamaica is essential to successfully operating in Jamaica. This understanding involves knowing what the employer’s...Read more

Emile Leiba
Attorney-at-Law and Managing Partner, DunnCox, Jamaica

Grace Royal Bassaragh
Assistant VP Legal Services, Group Legal, Trust & Corporate Services, Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited, Jamaica
HELP WANTED: Sensible Immigration Options for U.S. Employers

“Nobody wants to work anymore” as evidenced by the Great Resignation is a sentiment that has been widely publicized, and has seemingly become part of the American psyche following two...Read more

Molly Machold
General Counsel, FacilitySource, LLC dba CBRE Retail & Multi-Site, USA

Colleen DiSanto
Attorney, Disanto & Disanto,, USA
The Impacts of the Introduction of the Green-Pass Obligation (Covid-19 Green Certification) on the Workplace in Italy

The EU Digital COVID Certificate (formerly called Digital Green Certificate) is a digital proof that a person has either (i) been vaccinated against COVID-19, (ii) received a negative test result...Read more

Ugo Ettore Di Stefano
Lawyer, Lexellent, Italy

Andrea d'Agostino
Legal Counsel Europe, Coca-Cola Italia S.r.l., Italy
Classification Challenges Involving Use of Independent Contractors in the US Workplace
The independent contractor workforce is a rapidly evolving component of the U.S. economy that has significantly increased in recent years. Even before COVID, independent workers were a growing part of...Read more

Victoria Filippov Nemeth
Principal, Filippov Law Group, PLLC, USA
“All Sold Out” – Employment Practices: The Virtual Tour
As we continue to zoom in and out of each other’s lives, the curtain rises on the global stage with an inconsistent tempo for in-house counsel managing employment issues. We...Read more

Susan Friedman
Area Vice President & Group Coverage Counsel, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., USA
Diversity & Inclusion in The New Work Environment
The importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the workforce has never been discussed as today. For most companies, globally speaking, this theme is one of the priorities in 2021.Although many...Read more

Claudia Marufuji
Legal Director, Flextronics International Tecnologia , Brazil
Non-Compete Provisions Under The Indian Contract Act and its Applicability: An Analysis
It is a common practice amongst employers in India to have a provision incorporated into the employment contracts that in some fashion restricts the employees from pursuing activities contrary to...Read more

Harish Nambiar
Vice President – Legal, General Counsel (Atos|Syntel), General Counsel (Atos – India) and Compliance Officer, Atos Syntel, India
Workplace Mental Health - A Priority for Leader Lawyers
Even before Covid, workplaces have been changing rapidly. Organisations have increasingly been required to deal with mental health challenges such as stress, burnout and executive loneliness. With the economic pressures...Read more

Jeffery Tan
Group General Counsel & Chief Sustainability Officer , Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited, Singapore