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Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Technology and the Legal Profession—Perspective of an Asian Chief Legal Officer
Many articles and books have been written on the impact of artificial intelligence, machine learning and technology on the future of work and of professions; some of which with exaggerated...Read more

James Lau
To Shoot or not to Shoot:
How to Navigate Buy-Sell Deadlock Resolution Mechanisms for

Joint Venture (JV) governance can sometimes become a “sea of troubles” and raise the question for the partners whether or not to “take arms against” it.
When the JV agreement...Read more

Camelia Gardot
Compliance Partner- Head of Connected Intelligence, Airbus, France
The Challenges In-House Lawyers Face Today 
A few years ago it was quite simple to be an in-house lawyer. Basically, the lawyers were hired to manage litigation, give advice and counsel to support all areas of...Read more

Claudia Marufuji
Legal Director, Flextronics International Tecnologia , Brazil
Liability Issues in Advanced Robotics: An Introduction for European In-House Counsels
On February 16th 2017, the European Parliament adopted the Resolution on Civil Law Rules on Robotics, to address legal and ethical issues emerging from technological developments in the field of...Read more

Corrado Druetta
Senior Legal Counsel , COMAU S.p.A., Italy
How Legal Departments can Strategically Contribute to Corporate Success

“Historically, the in-house counsel position was considered a dusty professional legal service essentially dealing with dispute resolution; rarely was the in-house counsel expected to be involved in strategic thinking”....Read more

Christian Haitz
Group Chief Legal & Compliance Officer , Heritage B, Switzerland
Dealing with Legal Grey Areas (and Selective Enforcement) in China

China’s laws are increasingly well-developed and in many areas comparable to those of Western countries. But in practice, there remain large gaps between what the laws say and how they...Read more
Brian Belanger
V.P. & Senior Corporate Counsel, Asia Pacific Region, Husqvarna AB Group of Companies, USA
Aurelia Dragomirescu
Director, Legal, Vodafone, Romania
FUELING ORGANIC GROWTH: Business Expansion and Talent Acquisition
Business growth into new markets may occur through organic growth or acquisition. When acquiring a business enterprise, a company, through due diligence, will determine whether key relationships have been properly...Read more

Jo Anne Schwendinger
AGC Information Management, Deere & Company, USA
Transparency Obligations of Listed Companies According to Greek Law
This paper examines the disclosure obligations of publicly listed companies as stipulated by Greek Law N. 3556/2007 (O.J. 91/A/2007), implementing Directive 2004/109/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council...Read more

Effie Meridou
Legal Counsel, Sato S.A., Greece
Implications of Counterfeiting and Piracy for European Competitiveness, Innovation, Economic Growth and Job Losses
Over the years, counterfeiting has become the greatest threat to established trademarks, and therefore brands, across all industry sectors. In the late ‘80s, it was viewed together, with its big...Read more

Richard Heath
Managing Director, Richard Heath (Ip) Associates, UK