Technical Data Rights in the Context of the Marine Industry
This article focuses on the main legal aspects of technical data rights in the context of the marine industry. The article will overview how the increased volume of data and...Read more
Tuomas Keltto
Specialist Legal Counsel, Tech Law, Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Finland
Individual and Collective Corporate Liability in the European Union and the United States
Especially within the current networked society, with long chains of production and distribution, and holding chains, it is easy to conceive corporations more as faceless fiction. Yet, liability cannot be...Read more
Anna Wennäkoski
Senior Specialist , Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland, Finland
Contract Design and Simplification – is this now a must-do?
Is the pendulum shifting? In a fast, technology-driven world, business stakeholders are keen to move away from dense walls of text in contracts. Increasingly, they understand that contracts are a...Read more
Stefania Passera
Contract Designer, Passera Design, World Commerce & Contracting, University of Vaasa, Finland
Intra-Group Communications: An Avenue to More Efficient Legal Risk Management
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the possibilities for in-house counsel to help maximize their efficiency and presence by adding emphasis on communication within their company. Essentially the...Read more
Michael Ristaniemi
Legal Counsel, Metsäliitto Cooperative, Finland
Intra-Group Communications: An Avenue to More Efficient Legal Risk Management
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the possibilities for in-house counsel to help maximize their efficiency and presence by adding emphasis on communication within their company. Essentially the...Read more
Kaisa Enkkela
Communications Manager, VR Group, Finland
Competition Law, Big Data and Privacy
For years, big data has been the hot buzzword across industries. At the same time, the debate about big data and its implications for competition law has grown louder. The...Read more
Maria Wasastjerna
Senior Legal Counsel Competition Law, Nokia, Finland
Certain Legal Problems and Risks in Frame Agreements
Perhaps the most important and frequent agreement in trade is a purchase/sales agreement of tangible goods. A frame purchase/sales agreement, in turn, is an agreement between two or more companies...Read more
Henri Hätönen
Senior Legal Counsel, Uponor Corporation, Finland
Company Data Protection - Friend or Foe?
"There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be. Even that is merging into one category: those that have been hacked and...Read more
Anna Wennäkoski
Senior Specialist , Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland, Finland
Parental Liability in EU Competition Law - A Fair Presumption?
Under EU competition law, there is a presumption that a parent company with a 100% shareholding in its subsidiary company exercises decisive influence. The European Commission has the power to...Read more
Maria Troberg
Senior Legal Counsel, Competition, Nokia, Finland
What Extraterritorial Application of Competition Law Means for MNCs
Several competition law regimes around the world, including the EU and the USA, have adopted rules allowing their respective authorities to apply domestic competition law to activities occurring outside of...Read more
Michael Ristaniemi
Legal Counsel, Metsäliitto Cooperative, Finland