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Covid-19 - Trends and Impact on Labor Market
When Covid-19 spread around the world no one could predict the extension and the impact on global economy.
As an unprecedent event, the world had to adapt and learn very quickly...Read more

Claudia Marufuji
Legal Director, Flextronics International Tecnologia , Brazil
Analysing Ethics and Legal Enforceability in Employee Noncompete Agreements in EU Legislation
Noncompete agreements are recently being used in a range of businesses. From engineering firms to companies and businesses of all sorts are pushing new hires to sign noncompete agreements that...Read more
Enik Pogace
Head of Employee Relations Division , Bank of Albania, Albania
The Rights of Non-citizens
All people should, by virtue of their essential humanity, enjoy all human rights. Exceptional distinctions, for example between citizens and non-citizens, can be made only if they serve a legitimate...Read more

Laura Rudnyanszky
CLO, Teleperformance Romania, Romania
Effectiveness of Code of Conduct in a Global Organization
Currently, the reputation is one of the most precious assets for a company and because of that the companies are becoming more rigor and not tolerating behaviors that...Read more

Claudia Marufuji
Legal Director, Flextronics International Tecnologia , Brazil
Implication of the Supreme Court Judgements on Employee Provident Fund in India

In India, there is a long-standing dispute between Employers and Employee’s Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) on the amount on which Provident Fund (PF) is to be deducted. The...Read more

Jayant Thakur
India Country Counsel, Dimension Data India Private Limited, India
Sexual Misconduct: Lessons Learned from Investigations in the Workplace

Since the Fall of 2017, in the wake of the burgeoning #MeToo movement, outside investigators have been called on to gather the facts in response to an avalanche of sexual...Read more
Staci Dresher
Partner, Associate General Counsel, Mintz Group LLC, USA
Sexual Misconduct: Lessons Learned from Investigations in the Workplace

Clancy Nolan
Director, Mintz Group LLC, USA
Kelsey Froehlich
Partner, Mintz Group LLC, UK
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Creating Lasting Change

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a new issue but has recently been put in the spotlight following the birth of the #MeToo movement. Towards the end of 2017,...Read more

Charlotte Jayaseelan
Solicitor, Legal & Business Affairs, EMEA, Warner Bros., UK
UK Employment Law – A Good Plan for Workers?
At a time when there is considerable uncertainty around how the UK will withdraw from the EU and the long and short-term implications of our withdrawal it has certainly been...Read more
Cutting the Gordian Knot - Restrictive Covenants in Employment Contracts

In India, in order to protect trade secrets, confidential information and human resources, it is common for companies and organizations to include ‘restrictive covenants’ in employment contracts. As a general...Read more

Divya Kumat
Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer & Company Secretary, Datamatics Global Services Limited, India