The Importance of Compliance Programs

The interest in the proposed topic arose from the need to discuss the social and economic changes brought about by the concept of compliance and the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law. We...Read more

Cristina Leite
Procurement Risk & Compliance Senior Consultant, ., Brazil

Thaíssa Felguerias
Senior Compliance Specialist, Hydro, Brazil
WeWork’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy and leases in Brazil

Cross-border effects of bankruptcy procedures in the U.S. gained a new chapter in 2023, when WeWork Group filed for Chapter 11. WeWork has since claimed that this reorganization would not...Read more
Nicholas Minoru Fernandes Yoshino
Associate - Legal Affairs, GTIS Partners, Brazil

Juliana Bastianello Baldin Martins
Managing Director - Legal Affairs, GTIS Partners, Brazil
Compliance Monitoring
One of the most relevant pillars of a compliance program is monitoring. The Brazilian Clean Companies Act (Law N. 12,846/13) provides that the compliance program will be evaluated according to...Read more

Cristina Leite
Procurement Risk & Compliance Senior Consultant, ., Brazil
A Brief Study on References and Requirements that Search Ethical Precepts in Human Interaction with Artificial Intelligence
Society is going through a moment of greater intensification of human interaction with systems that use artificial intelligence, systems that have brought countless benefits and facilities for the development and...Read more

Thiago Costa
Legal Manager, Data Protection Officer and Compliance, Norsk Hydro Brasil, Brazil
The Legal Framework on Foreign Exchange Transactions in Brazil: An Analysis of the Use of Cryptocurrencies to Exchange National Currencies

That cryptocurrencies have been defying central banks’ authority globally is no news. Central banks around the world have been lagging behind in a Sisyphus task of regulating situations that evolve...Read more

Juliana Bastianello Baldin Martins
Managing Director - Legal Affairs, GTIS Partners, Brazil
Bruno Quartieri Gaudêncio
Vice President - Legal Affairs , GTIS Partners, Brazil
The Anti-Corruption Legislation in Brazil, Historical Landmarks, its Influences, Pillars, and Updates Brought by Decree

This study aims to investigate the parameters of the anti-corruption laws and regulations compliance program. Mainly based on historical topics, corruption scandals and corporate frauds Brazil approved the Law n....Read more

Thiago Costa
Legal Manager, Data Protection Officer and Compliance, Norsk Hydro Brasil, Brazil

Cristina Leite
Procurement Risk & Compliance Senior Consultant, ., Brazil
Diversity & Inclusion in The New Work Environment
The importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the workforce has never been discussed as today. For most companies, globally speaking, this theme is one of the priorities in 2021.Although many...Read more

Claudia Marufuji
Legal Director, Flextronics International Tecnologia , Brazil
Covid-19 - Trends and Impact on Labor Market
When Covid-19 spread around the world no one could predict the extension and the impact on global economy.
As an unprecedent event, the world had to adapt and learn very quickly...Read more

Claudia Marufuji
Legal Director, Flextronics International Tecnologia , Brazil
Brazilian Data Protection Law and its first Impacts
Following the global movement of countries to protect the personal data of national people, Brazil has definitely plunged into this theme by making the Brazilian data protection law applicable in...Read more

Mariana Bueno
Legal Manager & DPO, Mindray do Brasil, Brazil
Covid19 and the new Role of Legal and Compliance
Lawyers and compliance officer are, basically professionals of the “status quo”. They seek assurance that everyone is performing in accordance with existing laws, regulations, and policies. So, “follow the rules...Read more

Fabio Cunha
General Counsel, Legal and Compliance Director, Dasa, Brazil